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Virtual New Moon Despacho Ceremony
Welcome to our New Moon Ceremony!
Each New Moon is an invitation for us to connect with the energy of the cosmos, journey into the darkness of the fertile void and plant our seeds of intentions, goals and dreams.
As Luna phases through her cycle, the cosmos nurtures and nourishes what is meant to grow, so that these now rooted prayers may come to fruition, blooming in full in rhythm with Mama Killa (Mother Moon).
The intention of these gatherings is to create space and invite others to deepen into a more intimate and loving relationship with themselves.
What is a Despacho?
A Despacho is a prayer bundle or offering.
An expression of gratitude, prayers of healing, intentions to restore balance + harmony where it is needed, and offerings of a specific request of the spirit world.
This Sacred and Beauty-Full Ceremony comes from the South American tradition, where elements from the Earth are chosen and the offering is built together, as a group, with intent and love.
Ultimately, the Despacho offering is burned, where the smoke holding the prayers and intentions are received by Creator, or it is offered back to Mother Earth, filled with prayer, along with the intentions and vibrations of those participating… a living request to bring energy shifts and healing in exchange for the continued love and care of Mother Earth.
Please bring your intentions, prayers and gratitude to share.
A donation is greatly appreciated to participate in this event.
Please e-transfer your donation to:

Inner Sanctum Virtual Retreat
A retreat within.
The most sacred place exists within you.
This is an invitation to rest, restore and to tend to the inner sanctum of your heart.
A moment in time to honour and tend to your innermost self and return feeling nourished and resourced from the inside, out.
There is no better time than now.
The Season of Winter cloaks us in darkness.
It is a time to draw our sight and attention inwards and tend to the nourishment + restoration of our being.
A time to re~turn to our Inner Sanctum.
These sessions have been created and will be facilitated through the portal of shamanism.
We journey to our Inner Sanctum—to the altar of our hearts where we will explore the inner landscapes of our being—to meet, connect and converse with unknown aspects of our self.
The intention of these gatherings is to deepen into a more intimate + loving relationship with our whole Self, and nourish us from the inside out—supporting us in all aspects of our life.
Are you ready to tend to the altar of your heart?
If this sounds nourishing for you, I invite you to this virtual 4-week journey beginning February 6th.
Tuesdays, February 6th, 13th, 20th + 27th, 2024
1-2:30pm (PST) | 4-5:30pm (EST)
With Melanie Berndt
From the comfort of your home (Zoom)
Prosperity Fee: $88
To register, please e-transfer prosperity fee to

FREE Virtual Full Moon Circle
Friday, May 5th, 7-9pm ET
With Melanie Berndt
Meeting ID: 875 4436 9773
Passcode: 491830