Love All Things

Love All Things

To love all things does not mean to feel heated passion for everything and everyone. To love all things means to forgive and be compassionate toward ourselves and others, including those who think differently than we do. To love all things does not mean to never ever...
Dreaming a Community into Being

Dreaming a Community into Being

The Wise Women’s Collective Began as a dream for a circle of women. A community (come-in-unity) where we welcome each Sister with open arms, home to The Wise Women’s Collective. A vision that was birthed In the Spirit of Love, Truth + Unity. She who rises up! Here,...
A More Beautiful World

A More Beautiful World

What Charles Eisenstein means by the phrase “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible” (Eisenstein, 2013) is that despite the world situation—which seems to worsen in every way—there is also the flame of hope burning deep within our hearts, “a premonition...